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North Lakeland Youth Soccer

Home to NLYS Recreational and NL United Competitive Teams

Recreational Soccer

The North Lakeland Youth Soccer club (NLYS) plays two (2) different Recreational seasons throughout the year. FALL (SEPT-NOV) and SPRING (MAR-MAY).

Recreational Soccer is set up so that every player that registered is assigned a team and a coach.  They will practice 1 to 2 times during the week, generally starting sometime after 6.  Games are played on Saturdays.  During the FALL season, younger groups (U4-U8) play all their games at our home fields.  Older groups (U10 and older) play at least half their games at our home field, and the rest 'away' at other fields in Polk County. During the Spring Season, all age groups play their games at our fields.

During games, they will play at least 50% of the game and should be using this time to get better and more confident in the game of soccer.

Fall - Registration opens around the beginning/middle of June and is opened until the beginning of August via our website. NLYS does host a few onsite dates for those that need to pay by cash or check in middle/late JULY.  Practices Start end of August or early Sept and games are on Saturday Mornings between September and Mid-November.  U10 and older teams play in a County wide tournament called Judge's Cup, which is held the 1st weekend of December at various field locations.  All-Stars are also selected in U8 and up to play in January. Fall is usually 10 games during the season.

Spring - Registration is opened from around JANUARY 1st until around FEBRUARY 1st via our website. NLYS does host a few onsite dates for those that need to pay by cash or check in JANUARY.  Practices start Late in February and games are played on Saturday morning from March through early May. Spring is usually 8 games during the season.

You can always find the latest information on the current season by clicking the tab a long the top that says either FALL or SPRING.

Contact Us

North Lakeland Youth Soccer

Field Address - Hunt Fountain Park - 7036 Green Road - Lakeland FL 33810, Mailing Address - P.O. Box 91987
Lakeland, Florida 33804

Phone: 863-274-3374
Email: [email protected]

North Lakeland Youth Soccer

Field Address - Hunt Fountain Park - 7036 Green Road - Lakeland FL 33810, Mailing Address - P.O. Box 91987
Lakeland, Florida 33804

Phone: 863-274-3374
Email: [email protected]
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